Соколов И.А. Китайский чай в России: [лимитированное издание]: Монография: В 3-х тт. – М., 2015.

Соколов И.А. Китайский чай в России

Из печати выходит трёхтомное издание, посвящённое истории чая в России:

Соколов И.А. Китайский чай в России: [лимитированное издание]: Монография: В 3-х тт. – М., 2015. – 497 с., илл. – Т. 1. – (Серия «Русский чай»). – ISBN 978-5-9973-3281-5

Sokolov I. Chinese tea in Russia: [limited edition]: monograph: in three volumes. – Moscow, 2015. – 497 pp., ill. – Vol. 1. – (Series «Russian tea»). – ISBN 978-5-9973-3281-5

This research is devoted to the history of tea and consists of three volumes. It covers the period from the 17th to the 20th century. This book focuses on the influence of Chinese, Indian and Ceylon tea on Russian history, economy and culture. The book also deals with the appearance of tea in Russia, directions of its deliveries and the variety of Chinese teas from the 16th to the 20th centuries. Among the additional topics are the propagation of tea culture in different social groups of Russian society, anti-tea and temperance movement. The author pays attention to the tea-trading companies, their owners, advertisement, and innovations. The study bases on a vast array of archival sources, museums and private collections, including rare ancient books and previously unknown materials of private collections. The book also contains a large block of statistics, reference and auxiliary materials, terminology, bibliography, data on prices in the market. This edition is useful for historians, economists, sociologists, collectors, cultural theorists, food industry managers, teachers in secondary and higher education, experts in the field of advertising and genealogy.

Монография состоит из 3-х томов и создаёт целостную картину проникновения китайского чая в Россию, его распространения по территории империи с конца XVIII до начала ХХ в. Его влияние на экономику и культуру России. Рассматривается также чайное наследие уже советского периода Российской истории вплоть до 1970-х гг. Исследование построено на анализе огромного массива научной литературы и архивных данных, содержит богатый статистический материал, блок терминологии, библиографический блок. Трёхтомное издание рассчитано как на специалистов по истории России, так и на широкий круг читателей. Значительная часть материалов данной монографии будет востребована историками, экономистами, социологами, культурологами, работниками пищевой промышленности, краеведами, сфрагистами, учителями средних и высших учебных заведений, специалистами в области рекламы и генеалогии.

This research is devoted to the history of tea and consists of three volumes. It covers the period from the 17th to the 20th century. This book focuses on the influence of Chinese, Indian and Ceylon tea on Russian history, economy and culture. The book also deals with the appearance of tea in Russia, directions of its deliveries and the variety of Chinese teas from the 16th to the 20th centuries. Among the additional topics are the propagation of tea culture in different social groups of Russian society, anti-tea and temperance movement. The author pays attention to the tea-trading companies, their owners, advertisement, and innovations. The study bases on a vast array of archival sources, museums and private collections, including rare ancient books and previously unknown materials of private collections. The book also contains a large block of statistics, reference and auxiliary materials, terminology, bibliography, data on prices in the market. This edition is useful for historians, economists, sociologists, collectors, cultural theorists, food industry managers, teachers in secondary and higher education, experts in the field of advertising and genealogy. 

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